Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Countdown to Carnival 2011

One week from today it will be Carnival Tuesday and the biggest show on earth will take to the streets of Trinidad and Tobago for the second day running.

The music trucks will be on the road

accompanying the colourful bands

as they make their way

 through the streets of Port of Spain

 and bands will gather into their sections as they come to judging points along the route

and then they will 'jump up and wave' until they get to the 'big stage' in the Savannah which has been given back to masqueraders by the new government'

And here is a short clip of how it comes together and how it all happens The singer is Machel Montano and the song, Advantage is tipped to be Road March 2011.


  1. Looks wonderful. More often than not, the weather for our big Mardi Gras parade is cold, so people are bundled up.

  2. Does anything serious get done between now and then, Bee?

  3. Oh you make me miss being in the part of the world where Carnival/Mardi Gras is celebrated!

    When I was a child, we got Mardi Gras off of school and had a school Mass on Ash Wednesday. My undergrad Uni was still close enough to New Orleans and the Gulf Coast to get Mardi Gras (and sometimes Lundi Gras) off school as well. It's no fun being up here where very few people know what I'm talking about.

    Have some fun for me! Go a bit wild.
    I'm going to bake a King Cake some time between now and then

  4. I've never been to a Carnivale nor Mardi Gras...looks pretty outrageous and fun!

  5. The countdown is definitely on and Carnival fever is in the air. Masqueraders are picking up their costumes, the music is everywhere, pan yards are full of the sounds of sweet pan practicing for the finals (Panorama), calypsonians and soca artists are getting ready for the finals on Carnival Sunday night, Kings and Queens of bands are putting the last minute touches to their amazing costumes, fetes are pulsating, hotels are full, tourists everywhere and the island is fully geared up for the biggest street parade in the world. Bigger than Rio - according to history Trinidad is where it all started. The slaves imitating the French plantation owners.

    Of course Jacqui - I'm working aren't I??? Am not sure anyone else is!

  6. ah looks like there is going to be lot of fun and colorful at that...congrats on the goddess award...

  7. love the glimpse into all that fun! glad you are happy with my goddess award too.
    happy blogging!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Well it's finally here and guess what?? I'm at home! I spent all day yesterday on the the road and will be out again tomorrow - so for today it's om eye on the television and the other on catching up on unread blogs!

    Thank you again goddess award:


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