Monday, February 28, 2011

Oh What a Night!

Let's hear it for the Brits!

If you haven't seen the film - it's brilliant!  I'm not biased at all. The competition was stiff and I wouldn't have been surprised had there been an 'upset' as with the Oscars, one never knows.

I am so pleased that Colin Firth won Best Actor.  He accepted with typical British understatement!

Sandra Bullock was so gracious - is it a year since that fiasco after she won??

Jennifer Hudson the one who, in case you didn't know, was sent home from American Idol after being told she didn't have any talent, standing there looking amazing in tangerine - a few hundred pounds lighter too.  Eat your heart out Simon Cowell!!

That's it for another year - a year when there were some excellent movies on the list and a year when I'm sure it was hard to make choices.

BTW. did you see those dresses on the Red Carpet?


  1. I haven't seen the film yet but it is on my Netflix queue. However, I was totally unwilling to watch the Oscars between the boredom factor of the host and the language of the winners here and there. I did catch the best and worst dressed on the internet this morning, however, I didn't necessarily agree with them all.

    Congrats on the wins for the film.

  2. I'm so happy that Colin and The King's Speech won! It was a wonderful film, and so often I'm disappointed in the Oscar winners.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and taking the time to leave your kind comment!

  3. They really stole the show, didn't they? :)

  4. It wasn't as long as usual Jacqui which was just as well because the hosts were appalling!

    Yes is a great film. I do think that the British film industry, when they do films well, do them really well.

    They did steal the show Betsy and Colin Firth was incredibly modest whilst trying to suppress his emotions(in typical British fashion - stiff upper lip and all that!!)

    Sophia - it's amazing and yes his performance deserves the Oscar.

    I think people love to see or hear anything about the British Royal Family. We all knew that Bertie had a stammer but I suppose never realized how badly it affected him when he came to the throne which he really didn't want to do. His wife, Queen Elizabeth later the Queen Mother never forgave her brother-in-law for shirking his duty to his country and abdicating because he couldn't marry Wallis Simpson who never understood the protocol and thought that she could be Queen.

  5. the King's Speech was a superalative movie!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. That's a great way to describe it Kathe


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