Sunday, June 5, 2011

Immaculée Ilibagizai

Rwandan survivor, Immaculée Ilibagizai author of 'Left to Tell' and two other books is coming to Trinidad this month.  If you have not read any of her books I recommend that you do starting with her first.  This lady's story for those who don't know, is one of  horror, courage, faith, survival and forgiveness. Immaculée set up the Left to Tell Charitable Fund and a portion of all her books sales go there. The Fund helps children of Africa to build better lives.

I am working with the organizers of this visit and simply cannot wait to hear her lectures.


  1. What an incredible story of survival. She could be so bitter but has turned her strength to helping others.

  2. She could be but isn't. Extraordinary lady.

  3. Oh! I'm so excited for you! My daughter was priveleged to hear Immaculee speak here in Florida last year. She wrote an article about it for a local online news organization. Immaculee's story touched me very deeply. When she speaks about the love of God in the midst of hellish places, you believe what she says. Here's the link to my daughter's article, if you're interested:

    Immaculée Ilibagiza speaks at USF St.

  4. Thank you Leslie - I read the lovely article your daughter wrote. Immacullee's story is one that's almost beyond belief and it just shows that with forgiveness, good can overcome evil. I have always said that but this lady is living proof.


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