Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Our House - Bedtime!!

For those of you who know about my, 'Our House' series and also for those of you who don't, I posted the following elsewhere in the early hours of this morning!!

Conversation less than two minutes ago in the Lake household. i.e. 1.30 am

Daughter coming into kitchen "you do realize it's half past one, don't you?"
Me: "And?"
Daughter" sighs........

You know that disapproving look that a mother gives her daughter?  Well, role reversal was definitely apparent with that comment!!

That's nothing - I'm going to bed in a minute with Grey's Anatomy - that should make the  other half behave in exactly the same way as daughter!!

Like I care!!

On a totally different note I am absolutely fed up with all my posts here being translated from Romanian into English and vice versa.  This has been going on for ages and no amount of removing apps or complaining to Google seems to be working.  



  1. well phooey- You can see where I am coming from....hoo boy oh oboy. It's difficult.....where do we begin...?

  2. oh shit- I am just testing testing testing

  3. BTW the translate from Romanian showed up on somebody else's blog recently. So this is not just you. And I discovered that I was able to report that it was not in Romanian. I just did that with your blog.

    It is under the little down arrow in the Options square on the far right of the translate bar. So I have reported it being in English. Send all your friends and have them do the same thing. Maybe we can get this problem solved.

    1. Have tried that option several times to no avail. It sees to be better mow though since I did report it twice within the last 3 days to Google so let`s see what happens now.

  4. I got this from my son yesterday
    "Are you going out tonight?"
    "Yes ... ?"
    "Oh nothing, it's just you've been out quite a bit lately."
    "Yes ... ?"
    "And it's snowing."
    I was home by 9 p.m.
    "Well thank goodness you're home safely." We had two inches of snow for goodness sake - all public transport was running perfectly normally.

    1. What is it about them that makes them do this??? I've heard about being protective but it`s sometimes too ridiculous for words. I have been known to ask my family, in total desperation, how they think I managed before they all came into my life! I remember the days I`d drive a 500 mile all round trip in a day for one meeting!! Well 480 actually North Yorkshire to London.

  5. Hahaha - oh my, your house sounds interesting. And Romanian??? That's just not right, but really funny!

    1. It can be interesting of that there can be no doubt!!! Romanians to have gone away but I have also now learned that I`m not the only one so it seems to be a Google glitch which I have reported.


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