For those of you who know about my, 'Our House' series and also for those of you who don't, I posted the following elsewhere in the early hours of this morning!!
Conversation less than two minutes ago in the Lake household. i.e. 1.30 am
Daughter coming into kitchen "you do realize it's half past one, don't you?"
Me: "And?"
Daughter" sighs........
You know that disapproving look that a mother gives her daughter? Well, role reversal was definitely apparent with that comment!!
That's nothing - I'm going to bed in a minute with Grey's Anatomy - that should make the other half behave in exactly the same way as daughter!!
Like I care!!
On a totally different note I am absolutely fed up with all my posts here being translated from Romanian into English and vice versa. This has been going on for ages and no amount of removing apps or complaining to Google seems to be working.