Saturday, August 4, 2012

It Rained Again Today!

It rained today in my neck of the woods for about ten minutes.  At the end of it, there were floods.  Real floods!

This was the view from my kitchen windows!  A non existent view actually until it cleared.

The blur is the rain!

It's now 11pm and the windows are open.  The breeze is blowing through the apartment and I think we are in for more rain!

Welcome to the tropics!


  1. This may be a careful what you ask for sort of thing but I want that sort of rain. It rained here off and on almost all day but oh so gently which is good when the ground is so parched. But I want to see all the streams full.

    Don't you love the smell and freshness of the air after a rain. Great photos.

  2. I could feel the coolness in the pics. Rain sustains life. A little flood is tolerable! Love the combo pics, Bee!


    1. Not the type of floods we get here Hank. People have cut into the rain forests to build their houses so there is nothing to break the water which makes for landslides. People also dump their rubbish, fridges, freezers, beds et al in the river beds in the dry season which creates havoc when the rains come.

  3. That is a lot of rain, wish some of it was here

  4. I can feel, smell that breeze..leave the windows least for a while. Really enjoyed "seeing" this!

    1. we had to close up today as the wind was blowing in a different direction.

  5. I am following you now, I just put your URL into my "add" option on the main page...not the blog page. There is a lot of different stuff here and I haven't learned it all yet.

    1. You will and I hope you like it. It took me times to get used to it but I persevered. The nice thing is that you can create a full web page if you want to. They're upgrading at the moment and I have yet to do that! Going to see if I can follow you yet! Welcome aboard!

    2. Can't seem to reply easily. It keeps bumping me to the 'sign-up' even tho' I'm already signed in. Grrrrr....frustrating. If this doesn't post, I'll just go back another time.
      Got the link from Graycie's site - thanks.
      ~Carolyn aka shortnana1221


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