Saturday, December 8, 2012

Countdown and Karma

Well it's almost here.   The dreaded day could be this coming Friday but I'm now in the situation where I just cannot wait for it to be here.  I have absolutely loathed what has taken place over the last few weeks so it's far better for my loved ones, my health, peace of mind and spirit that we get to it as quickly as possible so that I can let go, smile and walk away!  Imagine after everything that has happened, being told in all seriousness, to make myself available next year as my successor will need my expertise and help!! 

So when I'd picked myself up from the floor, I just shook my head and decided that someone must have a screw loose!

I will probably write about the traumas of it all after my departure when I will be in a position to tell certain people publicly, where to get off.  Names will not be mentioned but they will know who they are.

In the meantime, I can see that karma is already at work!  

I shall pray for those who stabbed me in the back and ask for them to be blessed.  It's the only way I will be able to deal with the unnecessary hurt. 

"Forgive them for they fouled up."



  1. Help..available.......those are the two most entertaining words I have heard all day.I love your ending. Karma will dish a bountiful serving to all parties involved.

  2. Btw no cap problem or request to translate from Romanian. I came from the lINK ON Fb.

    I think you ought to be available for a hefty fee. Consultants can make big bucks and not have to put up with the day to day shit.

    1. It will be a hefty fee in this case but forget it - church does not pay!

  3. When they come looking expecting a helping hand, let them know what your hourly rate is and don't sell yourself cheap. That will shut them up and they wont' be back. What nerve.

    1. What nerve indeed but since I wrote this it has gotten worse! In fact there is a humorous blog in me trying to get out!

    2. I'm waiting for the humorous post, Bee. LOL It's been a week. Where is it? Look at you. One week retired and you've become a lazy bones. LOL

  4. You are a class act Barb. Walk away smiling...once you are no longer employed there your obligations end without any need for loyalty. I hope the days ahead go quickly and you will soon be a free agent to embrace positive changes in your life.

    1. Oh I will at 4pm on Monday Cath! I am in positive mode!

  5. You are taking the high road and that's a good road to be on. It's a lot less crowded. Keeping you in my prayers for a positive future ahead.

    1. Thank goodness for more space. Thank you for your thoughts and much needed prayers. My God is not going to let me down but all prayers gratefully accepted. I never underestimate the power of prayer.


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