Monday, April 11, 2011

My Lent

During this season of Lent I am being well and trully tested.  My patience is at rock bottom and I have gone into zero tolerance mode.  My good intentions of attempting to be a better person seem to have failed miserably, I have no time for those I consider to be stupid and worst of all I am not being very understanding of those whose work ethics are nil.  That is why I have reels of duct tape in my desk drawer at this time of the year!!


The only consolation I have at the moment is that when one is doing the Lord's work, one must expect to be attacked.   

 However I sometimes I think the devil gets too much credit!


  1. *huggles* I have a low tolerance for wrong-headedness as well. I'll be sending you plenty of patience prayers...and did you know they make various colours of duck tape now? There are even some with designs ;)

  2. Patience is definitely a virtue Bee. I could do with a little more of it too.

  3. Why do you have to tolerate stupid people? Maybe we are trying to be so politically correct and trying so hard to be good people, we let mopes get away with bad behavior.

    Roar, woman, roar.

  4. I could have written this myself. You are so right about the Devil. Peace and love to you, B.

  5. Just when we think we are in the perfect moment to better improve our failings, Old Scratch appears to make it even harder. Blessings to you as Holy Week approaches.

  6. Thank you all for visiting - it's been a hard Lent work wise. Amongst other things, a couple of five night long Crusades, the latter testing my patience to the limit especially when so much hard work has gone into it and people don't listen!! But I made it intact, the second finished earlier this evening and as we go into Holy Week I wish you all peace, love and joy.

  7. I sometimes wonder if Lent was placed at this astrological time of the year because it is best if we all do penance. I certainly have been less than tolerant. Admitted I never suffer fools gladly but usually can come up with that little smile one reserves for the insane.

    I used to give up chocolate this time of year but have decided that it is best for me to gobble the stuff because it makes me easier to get along with.

  8. Sometimes there is just not enough duct tape. Vb

  9. The pastor at the church I visited today spoke of just this. When you are about your Father's business, the enemy makes it a point to bother you. Just keep at it, Keep trying. One more week left, but truly...the rest of our lives.

  10. Jacqui, anything that makes us easier to get along with is acceptable. I haven't given anything up for Lent for years. As far as I'm concerned it doesn't work like that! Giving up is easy - trying to be a better person is far harder. I don't know about penance but it's supposed to be also a time of reflection and renewal - I would think that one can liken it to Ramadan although Ramadan seems to be much more sacred to Muslims than Lent is to Christians.

    Versebender, you definitely got that one right!

    Polly and Meek, nice to see you here - your pastor got it right too!


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